A Mission for a New Kind of Missionary

I believe that every day we need a little soap.  SOAP is a method of journaling that stands for Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer.  I am systematically reading through the New Testament in Greek and have reached Acts 1.  Here is an example of my “SOAP” for the day:

Scripture –

Acts 1:6-9 So when they (the disciples) met together they asked him, “Lord are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”

He (Jesus) said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.

Observation – Sometimes our expectations get in the way of our mission.

Jesus had suffered a sacrificial death to pay for the sin of every man.  He was resurrected conquering death and had spent 40 days teaching his beloved disciples.  They asked him this question about restoring the Kingdom of Israel at the last meeting he has with them before he ascends to heaven.  His disciples were desperately hoping that he, the Messiah, would restore Israel to its glory days.  During the time of Solomon Israel was the envy of the world.  It had wealth, peace, and both military and political power.   Instead, in the days of the disciples, Israel was a country occupied by Roman invaders.  Israel had very little political or military significance in the world landscape.  The God and temple of the Jews were mocked by Romans and tolerated to keep the peace in what the Romans saw as a backwater province.  After years of oppression and occupation, the promise of Israel being restored was near and dear to Jews.  It was scriptural and not misplaced.  The prophet Zechariah describes a time when the Lord himself will come and place his feet upon the Mount of Olives and split it in half.  The Lord himself will conquer all those armies arrayed against Jerusalem in Israel.  The result is that living water flows from Jerusalem and “the Lord will be King over the whole earth.”  (see Zechariah 14:1-9).   Notice that Jesus, in his answer, does not deny that the Kingdom will be restored to Israel.  He tacitly says that it will happen, but just at a future time appointed by the Father.   But this was not his message for the disciples.  Jesus was giving them a mission to witness to the world about his resurrection.  The disciples have the honor and privilege to be a witness to the victory of Jesus over sin and death.   By faith in Jesus people can have an intimate relationship with God their creator and Father which is free from sin, guilt and punishment.  Empowered by the Holy Spirit they are to take this message to those near and far, even the ends of the earth.  It is our mission too.

Application – I have decided to become a digital missionary. I can reach people both near and far virtually even going to places where no Christian can travel.

Prayer – Lord, thank you for showing me that I don’t have to do missions the way we have always done it in the past.  I love to write and speak, to study your word and answer people’s questions.  Please use my gifts, talents and abilities, to communicate your amazing grace to people very different from me using the internet.  Lord, today I read a book about reaching Muslims with the gospel of Jesus Christ (A Muslim’s Heart, by Ed Hoskins).  I am challenged that so many people in this world have not heard about Jesus and are so hard to reach by Christians with his message because of oppressive closed regimes and cultures.  Please show me how to reach hearts who are open to your love.  I need help, Lord.  Please raise up many more people with the courage and heart to use our technology to share the truth about Jesus, the Messiah.  I will try to faithfully take steps, day by day, to write and post.  Please broadcast these words as you wish, where you wish, for your glory.

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