Heart Medicine from Ecclesiastes 7

Good for the Heart

A good reputation.
A nice smell.
Seeking a sad face and mourning together.
Challenging words from wise friends.
Patience to ignore insults and give grace for other’s ill words.
Wisdom is a shelter.
Inheritance and money are a blessing and a shelter.
Being happy when life is good.
Being content with your lot in life.
Acknowledging your mortality.
Living life in light of eternity with heaven in view.
Moderation in all things.

Bad for the Heart

Pursuing pleasure.
Exchanging truth or justice for personal gain.
Listening to the music of shallow people.
Joining in with those who laugh in mockery of others.
Pride that leads to
Impatience that leads to
Provocation that leads to
Nostalgia, wishing for times gone by… living in the past.
A limited view of God which can’t acknowledge His sovereignty when faced with evil.
An unhealthy focus on the future… trying to figure it out.
Not living now.
Extremes and schemes.